See the beauty

Bible reading: Numbers 11:1
Now the people complained about their hardships in the hearing of the Lord, and when he heard them his anger was aroused. Then fire from the Lord burned among them and consumed some of the outskirts of the camp

Two boys were eating some grapes. One of them remarked, “Aren’t they sweet!” “I guess so,” the other replied, “But they’re full of seeds.”

Wandering into a garden, the first boy exclaimed, “Look at those big, beautiful red roses!” The other commented, “They’re full of thorns!”

It was a warm day, so they stopped for a drink. After several swallows, the second youngster complained, “My bottle’s half empty already.” The first boy quickly responded, “Mine’s still half full!”
Many people are like the children of Israel who complained and grumbled, when they should have been giving thanks to God for His gracious provision. But thank God not everyone is like that. There are people who concentrate on the bright side and are radiant, happy and grateful. They are realistic about the sombre side of life, but they don’t fret.

You can overcome negative thinking. No matter who you are or what your circumstances, there’s always much to be grateful for.

Think about God’s love for you. Praise Him for His care. Then you ‘ll be able to see the beauty of the rose