Quiz night 3

One weekly challenge is ‘Only Connect’ on a Monday night. It consists of two teams with Victoria Coren Mitchell in the chair. It’s a daft game really. You have to connect four clues and discover what the link is.

We rarely ‘get it’, and often the contestants are as much in the dark as we are!

It’s rather like our daily walk with God. We can pray, read our bible passage for the day, and spend a little while reflecting, but at the end of the day sometimes we fail to see how everything we know and believe is linked to our daily life. We are also capable of wondering what part we can genuinely play in God’s world.

One of the challenges in the show is a board with a wide variety of words on it. Each word can be linked to four others, but many words can have several meanings.

In 1 Cor 12 Paul writes about each part of the body being connected together. They are familiar words and I’m glad they are there as they remind me of the diversity of each of us as human beings yet still belonging to God.

V18 says “God has arranged the parts of the body just as he wants them to be.”

And v 27 “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is part of it.”

God in Christ is our connection, not only to him but to each other.