“Pray and never give up”

Thought for the day – Saturday 25th April 2020

Brought to us by Stuart Warman

Bible reading : Luke 18:1
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.

Jesus told us a parable that said that we need to pray constantly. When we are faced with challenges, unsure of the right thing to do, upset or anguished by other’s actions or the situations we find ourselves having to deal with.

Our prayers are our conversations with God, asking for strength, forgiveness or asking for his help. We do not need to be the most thoughtful of thinkers, we do not need to make them sound poetic or worthy of publication.

God knows what is in our hearts, God hears us, even when there is so much noise already, God knows the troubles that we are facing and knows our fears before we even ask for help with them.

God does not see our prayers as insignificant, does not think they are stupid and I am sure God never Tut’s and thinks, Now What!!!!

We should never lose heart with prayers; they are always listened too.

At the current time I am sure there are millions of prayers being said daily, do not tell yourself that yours are meaningless, are not important or can wait until God has less to worry about. Your prayers are always important to God, you are his child and he Loves and Cares for you.

Let us pray

Loving God, I call to you, but you do not seem to answer,
I cry to you for help, but it feels in vain,
Teach me at such times that you have not forgotten me,
Teach me to know that you do still hear my prayers and always seek to respond
Give me sufficient faith to continue asking, even when it seems pointless
To keep on trusting even if I am feeling alone
When I am tempted to lose heart, assure me that you love continues
That you are still at work and whatever your answer may be, it will come
