Ministers letter from Rev. Diane Smith

Dear Friends

St. Paul writes “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind…….”  (Romans 12 v2)

My word, we are currently having to evolve and be transformed at quite an alarming rate in the crisis we are living through. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful way you have risen to the occasion. With daily reflections posted online, Bible Study notes and much needed humour.  With a willing band of shoppers and so many people making those all-important phone calls.

We are the Body of Christ reaching out to our local community and beyond by our actions.

And positively we proclaim that Christ has indeed Risen.!

The Church is learning to be the Church in new ways and although these are painful times, these are also grace filled days with repeated acts of kindness and love seen on a daily basis. I am so proud of all that you are doing.

Thank you to all those who are serving via the internet. Both Seaton Road and Trinity have their own websites and of course, we also have a new Ipswich Circuit site

This letter will also be posted to around 40 people who do not have internet access, together with a Bible Study prepared by Mike Peck and a short Sermon on the subject of “The Good Shepherd” written by myself. Hopefully together, as Graham Kendrick sings “We’ll keep the banner flying high”. Talking of Banners, we need to thank David and Jill Tempest for the wonderful “Support the NHS Banner” currently flying outside Trinity.

Working together with Dawn Bone, our Lay Employee, we have managed to get out lots of Christian arts and crafts to our family contacts.  If you know of anyone of any age who would benefit from this doorstop delivery, please do let me know.

I should also like to thank my husband Nigel, who has taken on a new role as film director of the short reflections we record on his iPhone for the Circuit website.  Not really the best equipment but we hopefully are making some improvement as we go along, but Steven Spielberg needn’t be worried yet says Nigel.

Earlier this week I had a look in the Prayer Post Box at Trinity and there were two letters of thanks posted to you all one; from Valda, who many of you know and one from a lady who I met early on Easter Sunday morning when putting flowers on the Cross.

Please be greatly encouraged. Thank you for all your hard work. 


All gracious and loving God help us to move as you direct and respond as you will.
Keep us strong in the Faith, compassionate in our care, flexible in our witness,
ever ready to be transformed by you.


Love & God Bless
