Plumb the depths

1 John 4 v 19 : We love because he first loved us

Nansen, the Norwegian explorer, tried to measure an extremely deep part of the Arctic ocean. On the first day, he used his longest measuring line but could not reach the bottom. He wrote in his log book, “The ocean is deeper than that!”

The next day, he added more line but still could not measure the depth, and so again in his record book he wrote, “Deeper than that!” After several days of adding more and more pieces of rope and cord to his line, he had to leave that part of the ocean without  learning its actual depth. All he knew was that it was beyond his ability to measure.

So too, we cannot plumb the depths of God’s love. Our human measuring line is too short. God will take all eternity to show us the fullness of His love. Both now and forever, as we try to comprehend God’s love, we may well exclaim, “It’s deeper—much deeper than that!”

On Sunday we made the difficult decision to close the church completely for four weeks from Today. It was sad but the church is a building and God’s love is not closed up with it. His love is all around us and available for all. As I’m writing this the sun has broken through the clouds and lit up the room reminding me that there will be sunshine again, even after the storm we are facing.

Let’s share with others that God’s love knows no bounds.