
Thought for the day – Tuesday 16th June 2020

The Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Galatians 5:22&23

Some of you may know that I have been preparing worship each year about this time by going through the Fruits of the Spirit.  So far I have completed Love, Joy and Peace and now come to Patience. 

Those who know me well, and perhaps some who do not, know that Patience is not one of my gifts.  I have to work hard at it!  I have had to work hard at my sermon and have found illustrations rally hard to find.  Since being in lockdown for about 12 weeks or so because Ray, my husband, is very vulnerable, I have had to work hard at Patience!  I have learnt how to relax in the garden and not keep “doing”; read more books and complete jig-saws; and, perhaps most of all to be with Ray and also start to enjoy my own company with Jesus.

I hope many of you have found something similar.

Rev Joan in her service today (14th June) challenged us every morning to think of 3 blessings.  She did this early on in her ministry with us and I found it difficult then – now I do not.

Let us all look at the blessings this time has brought us – and for me the gift of Patience.

May God bless you all.