In the late 1960s, I was privileged to attend a 12-week evening course at the London Bible College, now known as the London School of Theology. The lecturer, who read Greek, was asked by another student, “Why do you only teach from the Authorised Version and not modern translations?”  His response was, “In translating the Bible into a more readable version or paraphrase, too much of the full meaning of important words has been lost”.

Now readers may disagree with his response especially as it was so long ago, but it makes me wonder, if we have non-Christian visitors, do they understand what we are saying?  During some preparation meetings for Mission Ipswich, and the visit of Billy Graham, a teenager apologised that she hadn’t brought a Bible.  She was handed a church copy of the Bible which was the Authorised Version. Looking at a few verses she suddenly said, “I don’t understand a word of this!”

I recall a time when I was looking for a new stereo system. At the first shop I visited, I was approached by an enthusiastic salesman who beguiled me with talk of woofers and tweeters to such an extent that I made my excuses to leave as soon as possible. The next shop was more successful because the salesman asked what I was looking for and then demonstrated what was available and I was able to see and hear for myself.

I am sure readers will have heard the adapted phrase from Mark 16 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all and if necessary, use words”. The implication seems to be to demonstrate by our living and in response to any enquiry to explain why.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please help us to understand what you teach us, and enable us to share with others in words and ways they will understand. AMEN