News (Page 99)

Fresh or Frozen?

It may be almost forty years since my mother died but I can still hear her ranting on about the iniquities of frozen vegetables. If frozen was suspicious, canned was sinister and dried bordering on the demonic. She was wrong of course, but against the background of growing up with some appalling apologies for fruit…

A New Creation

I was born with spina bifida which resulted in me having one leg shorter and smaller than the other and I spent most of my first two years away from home in Great Ormond Street London. I was not expected to live and I am told I had the last rites read over me. But Father…

Who wrote the New Testament ?

Who wrote the New Testament ? dvd  S4C, 2003 3 hours   £13  ISBN 0 564 035 36X According to the producers, this is ‘the story of 27 compositions that changed the course of history’. The 27 compositions in question are the 27 books of the New Testament. In 3 presentations of about an hour each,…

Not just a book on a shelf

A few weeks ago, I was walking with some friends and their dogs and we happened to look in the windows of a charity shop. I came across a beautiful walnut bookcase with glass doors which stopped me in my tracks. I went inside and ten minutes later was the proud owner of the case.…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 4th December 2022

Second Sunday in Advent                            Year A                                     4th December 2022 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 11 v1-10;         Psalm 72 v1-7, 18-19;            Romans 15 v4-13;     Matthew 3 v1-12. Hope draws near. The Old Testament reading today is from Isaiah and records his prophecy about the origin and nature of the Messiah. “Like a branch that…

Early mornings

I have recently been revisiting early mornings. Since retiring 3 years ago, one of my favourite times of day is that time after you first wake up. There is no sense of urgency and I indulge myself in having a cup of tea and a good book – perhaps even THAT Good book! It’s an…

27th November 2022

Dear friends, Today is Advent Sunday and we begin our journey of preparation for the incarnation of Christ. The national Methodist Church has launched its 2022 Christmas Campaign “There is Room” which seeks to demonstrate that the Methodist Church is welcoming and inclusive. We are reminded in the Christmas story that when Mary and Joseph…