News (Page 96)


I have been going through some old Methodist Recorders to refresh in my mind some of the things I had read and then to throw them out. I came across an article written by our President (and ex-Chair of our District), Rev Graham Thompson headed “Expect to be Surprised”.  He says “as we stand on…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 18th December 2022

Fourth Sunday of Advent                 Year A                                                 18th December 2022 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 7 v10-16;       Psalm 80 v1-7, 17-19;      Romans 1 v1-7;       Matthew 1 v18-25. Poor Mary! By tradition, Mary is the focus of the fourth Sunday in Advent, though you would be hard put to evidence that from today’s readings! This is how Jesus…

The wobble factor       

One of the things I enjoy doing each week is attending my local Leisure Centre “Body Balance” fitness class. I go with a friend, and we call it “Body Wobble” class, as there is often more wobbling than balancing! In our faith, do we wobble or are we evenly balanced? Throughout the Bible, there are…

The Force of Truth  by Thomas Scott

The Force of Truth  by Thomas Scott  Banner of Truth, 1984 (first published 1779) 127 pages £2.95ISBN 0 851 514 251 This is a spiritual autobiography from the 18th century by Thomas Scott (1747-1821), a contemporary of the Wesleys. The interest of this narrative is that by his own admission the author became a priest…


In my kitchen I always have a tube of hand cream sitting. My hands can get very dry, especially in the wintertime and I don’t always look after them as I should. I don’t wish to promote any particular brand but the one from a country where the first letter is N is my favourite. I…