News (Page 92)

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 8th January 2023

First Sunday in ordinary Time                    Year A                                                 8th January 2023 Lectionary readings:   Isaiah 42 v1-9;     Psalm 29;     Acts 10 v34-43;     Matthew 3 v13-17. The Lord God’s Servant. The (second) prophet Isaiah is addressing the people of Israel during their time of exile in Babylonia. I think that Isaiah’s reference to the Lord God’s servant…

Sweeping Leaves

I was once told by a friend of mine about someone she knew at college who, when it came to a topic of study that she didn’t like or found difficult, would go outside an sweep leaves. That topic was forever know as “sweeping leaves.” Some of us have other distraction techniques when we want…

Happy New Year

We stand today on the threshold of yet another new year, but is 2023 just another new year?  I have never had much interest in New Year’s resolutions, because if I have ever even attempted to make them, they have normally only been a success for about twenty four hours.  My wife made a new…

Shining light

John 1 v 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. How many lights did you have shining over the Christmas period? I looked round my house and was quite surprised at all the different lights: lights on the tree, lamps, t-lights, candles, solar lights in the garden, battery…

Ask God

Some weeks ago, I found my diary for 1974. The first entry recorded the watch night service during which we had prayed our way into the new year almost half a century ago. As a young Christian, I was so fired up. I had pestered my grandma for a Thomson’s chain reference Bible. It was…

Being counted

Much has been written about religious affiliation since the publication of the UK 2021 census results. There are many ways to interpret the numbers. For what it is worth, I think the numbers support what we know to be true, with an interesting overlay. Is it not the case that this time, at last, more…


As I walked along the seashore, my eye was drawn to the side of a rockpool, where, just sticking out of the sand and seaweed, was the point of an unusual shell.  I stopped and picked it up.  It was covered with mud and bits of seaweed, but intact.  It was most unusual for this…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 1st January 2023

First Sunday of Christmas               Year A                                                 1st January 2023 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 63 v7-9; Psalm 148; Hebrews 2 v10-18; Matthew 2 v13-23. Joseph’s obedience. Matthew’s gospel records the escape to and return from Egypt of Joseph, Mary and the infant Jesus. After the wise men had gone, an angel from the Lord appeared to…

Boxing Day

The 26th December is traditionally known as Boxing Day. This is the day after Christmas Day and has it’s Christian origins as the day when alms that had been collected in boxes in churches were distributed to the parishioners. It is also St Stephen’s Day and so, as a saint’s day is associated with charitable…