News (Page 87)


I have previously referred to the sound of a woodpecker busying itself in a tree across the road from my study window. Noisy but rarely visible these pretty little birds are strangely alluring (to me). Over the last few weeks one of these friends has become braver and now feeds on the bird feeder that…

The case for a creator

The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel and Garry Pooledvd  Zondervan, 2006  8o minutes  £17.50 This is a well produced, six-session investigation of the scientific evidence that points towards a creator of the universe. It is built around the possibility of group discussions following each session although the group discussions are easily omitted. The…

The Best Wine

I’ve just re-read the story of Jesus’ first miracle, turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. I love this story. It’s not a life and death situation. It’s to do with someone not doing their job properly, not ordering enough wine and Jesus stepping in to save their embarrassment.  It’s a story of…

Teach me how to pray

In a recent Bible daily reading, I came across this definition of prayer by the 19th century preacher F.W. Robertson (and no, I hadn’t heard of him either!).  “It is to connect every thought with the thought of God, to look on everything as His work and His appointment, to submit every thought, wish, and resolve…

Misty windows

We are having some external building work done on our house, and as I write this TFTD all the windows have been covered with opaque plastic sheets. This is to prevent the wet plaster dripping onto the glass. Whilst it doesn’t completely cut out the light, unlike the black sheets that were put up earlier…