News (Page 85)

The word of God, Sweet to the taste, light and true

Psalm 119:103“How sweet are your words to my taste,Sweeter than honey to my mouth.” “The unfolding of your words gives light, it gives understanding to the simple.”    v130 “All your words are true;All your righteous laws are eternal.”  v160 The Word of God, or the words of God have so many wonderful qualities and purposes:  sweetness,…


I was interested to read in the paper last year an article headed “Birdbrain magpies outwit scientists by removing trackers”. It appears that researchers in Australia fitted harnesses with tiny trackers to the birds in an attempt to learn more about their flying habits and social dynamics.  In order for the birds to remove the…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 12th February 2023

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time                  Year A                                     12th February 2023 Lectionary Readings: Deuteronomy 30 v15-20;     Psalm 119 v1-8;     1 Corinthians 3 v1-9;     Matthew 5 v21-37. Are you still a baby? The apostle Paul in his letter to newly converted Christians in Corinth, takes them to task for not behaving properly towards each other. My…

Walking in the woods      

One New Year’s Eve, several years ago, I was up in Sheffield with my husband visiting his family. We decided to walk to the neighbouring village in order to join in the festivities. The walk back involved my husband and his friend trying to outdo each other with ghost stories. We had to walk back…

Winners and losers

A couple of weeks ago I stumbled across a programme on the BBC “Take a hike” the concept is nothing new, five total strangers, meet up and over the course of a week, they share a common interest, taking it in turn to plan the events of a day at a time.  In secret, they…

Keep looking

Have you ever put something away in a safe place only to discover later that it was so safe that you couldn’t actually find it. Recently some items in my house have been “lost.” In December I bought a couple of Christmas cards with “Felixstowe” on them to send to my sister and brother. I…


We live very close to the River Gipping. There is a pair of swans resident along the bank. They are large, majestic and quite intimidating. I decided to research the lives of swans, because although beautiful to watch swimming, to me, their necks seem very long and awkward and I wondered how they supported their…