News (Page 83)

The Power of Words

This thought was first published in February 2021 John 1: 1  “In the beginning was The Word…..” Have you ever really thought about how powerful words can be?  It’s hard to believe the pen really is mightier than the sword when we see all the pictures and reports of violence which stream across our television…


I have most of Eddie Askew’s books and now his daughter is bringing together many of the writings she found after his death.  One of the fairly recent ones is “Snails have no reverse Gear” which my husband, Ray, gave me for Christmas. Eddie Askew has the knack of bringing the ordinary everyday things to…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 26th February 2023

First Sunday in Lent                                     Year A                                     26th February 2023 Lectionary Readings: Genesis 2 v15-17, 3 v1-7; Psalm 32; Romans 5 v12-19; Matthew 4 v1-11. We are no longer alone. The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert so that the devil could test him. (Matthew 4v1). And when the test was completed, The devil…

Significant birthday

This week my sister has a significant birthday and I was faced with the dilemma of what to get her. (I won’t let on what I decided on, in case she reads this!) Should it be something useful, or something funny? Should I ask her what she wants, or should I make it a surprise?…

The Mountain Top Experience

On two separate occasions, I have ventured to the summit of Mount Snowdon in North Wales.  The first time we went as a family sometime around 2001 and the second time about five years later when just two of us made our way up the mountain.  I hasten to add before you get the wrong…

Bring comfort

A few days ago, I was having a new boiler fitted. Obviously, there would be no water or heat for a number of hours. To prepare for this I filled buckets of water for the bathroom, made sure the kettle was full and various saucepans were filled with clean water. A small blow heater was…


We’re approaching Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. We eat pancakes the day before on Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) as we eat up the rich fatty foods before commencing the Lenten fast. Traditionally this is the day we are ‘shriven’ or absolved of our sins after self examination. On Ash Wednesday, the…

Within these walls enshrined

We were fortunate to be in York recently. With a morning to spare, we decided to walk around the City’s walls; it was an experience for the knees and calves but also for the imagination. For much of the time the ancient Minster is in view, sometimes nearby and sometimes far away. Iconic and solid,…