News (Page 79)

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 26th March 2023

Fifth Sunday in Lent                        Year A                                                 26th March 2023 Lectionary Readings:   Ezekiel 37 v1-14;    Psalm 130;    Romans 8 v6-11;    John 11 v1-45. The breath of Life. Life comes from God. He created us and gave us breath. Today’s readings echo the creation stories found in Genesis. In the second creation story; The Lord God…

And only one said ‘thankyou’

This thought was first published on 28th September 2021 It’s so easy to make our prayer times purely times for asking.  Jesus encourages us to ask, especially in His name, and so asking is important.  But what about the other types of prayer? In the story of the Ten Lepers in Luke 17 we hear…

Lent 4 Jesus praying

Based on Luke 9: 12-17 Many years ago, before I became a minister, I was asked to preach in an Anglican Church, I processed down the aisle with the vicar and the dignitaries of the Church and went very confidently to the seat I had been allocated, facing the congregation.  Without thinking, I sat, in…

A trip to the Dentist

I had an appointment with my dentist on Tuesday as I needed to have a broken tooth extracted and a couple of fillings. Needless to say, I was not looking forward to this visit at all. All went well and I left the surgery with a gauze plug in my mouth which I had to…


What does it mean to be a mother? This is a popular theme in TV and drama. Think of storylines in the soaps (e.g. Eastenders at the time of writing this), popular dramas such as Happy Valley or Maternal and comedies like Motherhood. Our relationship with our Mum is our first relationship. Of course, Dads…

Playing with fire

We had a couple of lovely sunny days in mid-February, which inspired a neighbour to have a bonfire. As far as I could see the intention was to dispose of some trimmings from tree clearance work a few weeks ago. The fire went well and a huge tree stump was added to the blaze, presumably…

Image conscious.

This thought was published on on 14th March 2023 The Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”…


Reading another short piece from my Eddie Askew’s book has started me on another path with my squirrels.  You will probably by now wonder if I spend many hours watching them, I don’t, but glance out of the kitchen window regularly and if they are there watch what they are doing – I find them…