This week, our 10 minute service reflects on 1 John 4:10.
This week, our 10 minute service reflects on 1 John 4:10.
Weds 12th Feb 10am-12noon.
This expression is found in 1 Corinthians 9 verse 22 “To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some”. I was reminded of the variety of (some would say sneaky) ways in which people choose to share the gospel. The first was a Christian businessman…
A few weeks ago the preacher at Elmsett brought us a challenging sermon, as is his usual habit! A very brief, and poor, summary of his message was that science and the Bible can and do sit happily alongside each other. We, as Christians, often struggle when challenged by non-Christians about evolution and science and…
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C 2nd February 2025 Lectionary Readings: Jeremiah 1 v4-10; Psalm 71 v1-6; 1 Corinthians 13 v1-13; Luke 4 21-30. The people of Nazareth turn against Jesus. Luke’s story of the people’s reaction to Jesus declaring that the prophecy of Isaiah had come true in him, (Luke 4 v16-20),…
Weds 5th Feb – 2pm at Seaton Road Methodist Church.
It is always important to ask ourselves this question, after a time of catastrophe, adventure, death of someone who was caring for you or a high drama, There are many people who would want to be back to their roots after a long time away like the prodigal son in the Bible. I am writing…
I’ve been finding it a bit of a struggle getting back into a routine after Christmas and remembering dates and times of meetings etc. It can be a bit overpowering thinking about all the things that need to be done. I was looking for something in one of my box files and found this piece…
My Mum chooses a Psalm every year. When I asked her which she had chosen for 2025, she told me it is Psalm 99. She’s hand written it into the front of her diary and will refer to it regularly as the year rolls on. I read it through and to me it divides into…
One evening recently I was sent a photograph of Venus beaming brightly in the night sky. On a recent cold and frosty morning, I was out as the sun rose (which is not difficult to achieve in the dark mornings of early January). There is a world of difference between the clear night sky and…