News (Page 7)

No climbing required

I enjoyed reading Sue’s Thought for the Day on Wednesday. She mentioned that Zacchaeus was not very tall and pondered what it was like to be short. Well, I’m one of the short people. At the minute I’m about 4ft 10ins. I used to be about an inch and a half taller but the difference has…

Chicken or swan?

When it was my birthday recently, small granddaughter rushed to meet me at the door, ‘Grandma, Grandma, I’ve got a card for you!’ she shouted, her eyes flashing with excitement and her hand waving a large pink envelope. ‘Wow!’ I gasped as if I’d never seen a card before,’ What’s this?’ ‘It’s a CARD Grandma!’…

Confusion or Colour?

Whenever an old wireless or early television broadcast is replayed it is obvious how much the use of language and valuing of accent and dialect have changed over the years. When we listen to or watch a news broadcast we no longer hear, or even want to hear the same stereotypical ‘BBC voice’. We are…

I’m coming to your house for tea

Seaton Road at Felixstowe Methodist Church have held Godly Play sessions Sunday afternoons throughout the winter months.  The visual presentations help us to think and “wonder”. At our last session the story of Zacchaeus was played out. The long road (vinyl wallpaper) was laid out between Jericho and Jerusalem (shoe box) with the crowds gathering…


I recall a meeting I had with a Bank customer and, as part of our conversation, he told me he was an advertising executive. Our chat side-tracked to TV adverts, and I mentioned the one I thought was, at that time, the worst on TV. He then made an interesting comment, that “the makers of…


I was recently preaching at Chelmondiston Methodist Church. It was a beautiful sunny day and I decided to cycle from Elmsett, a distance of about 17 miles. All went well. The theme of the Service was prayer, and particularly, Jesus’ prayer for protection for his disciples. As part of the illustration I used various images…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 26th May 2024

Trinity Sunday                                  Year B                                                            26th May 2024. Lectionary Readings:     Isaiah 6 v1-8;      Psalm 29;      Romans 8 v12-17;      John 3 v1-17. Transforming relationships The apostle Paul argues that “Only those people who are led by God’s Spirit are his children”. (Romans 8 v14). Paul goes on to suggest that the relationship between these children and…

Something to celebrate.

I’ve never particularly been a great football fan and I guess that the last match I ever voluntarily watched on TV was the FA cup final in 1972 when Leeds United beat Arsenal 1-0, and I even had to look that up on Google when writing this thought for the day today.  Living in West…

What a friend we have in Jesus

The other day I was “sorting out” my handbag and right at the bottom I found a keyring which also is a little light. It was given to me by a very good friend who sadly is no longer with us. The message on it is “Life is better with friends.” I miss my friend.…