News (Page 68)

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 21st May 2023

7th Sunday of Easter            – (Sunday after Ascension Day)       Year A             21st May 2023 Lectionary Readings: Acts 1 v6-14;     Psalm 68 v1-10, 32-35;     1 Peter 4 v12-14; 5 v6-11.            John 17 v1-11                    Questions, questions. Luke has two versions of the Ascension. Why? At the end of his gospel, Luke says Jesus…

Becoming unclipped

Some of you may know that I enjoy cycling in my spare time. However, I might be known as a “fair weather” cyclist. The night before and again on the morning of a planned ride I study the weather forecast for the precipitation risk and wind speeds. Having satisfied myself that all looked set fair…

Christian Aid Sunday

When I first started my life as a circuit minister in the Methodist Church, Christian Aid week was a big event in the life of the Church.  It was a common practice to have loads of red carrier bags at the back of the church around this time of year as along with our Anglican…

Windows of the soul

I had a wonderful time last weekend watching the coronation and then the concert on Sunday evening. There were so many memorable times during the service but one thing which really stuck with me was during the concert in Westminster Abbey prior to the service. The young gentleman who was playing the French Horn in…

Sixty minute make over

Do you remember Ananias in the early church?  When Saul, later to be Paul, had his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus and was blinded, Ananias had a vision. The Lord told him to go to the house of Judas and lay his hands on Saul of Tarsus and he would receive his…

Losing control

In a development in the life of the early Church, Peter’s sermon at Caesarea led to people being filled with the Holy Spirit. Things were not happening in a controlled and predictable way, which must have been difficult for rule following (circumcised) believers. [Acts 10:44-48]. Baptism with water should have come before that with the…