News (Page 64)


When I sorted out my Mother’s things after she died over 10 years ago now I found a small spiral bound notebook.  It is a book of prayers my mother had written and I treasure it. Mum was the President of the Women’s Meeting (as it was called then) for about 6 years and the…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 4th June 2023

Trinity Sunday                                  Year A                                                            4th June 2023 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 40 v12-17; 27-31;       Psalm 8;       2 Corinthians 13 v1-13;       Matthew 28 v16-20                   Motivation. What is it that motivates and binds together God the Father, his son Jesus and the Holy Spirit? The apostle Paul is in no doubt – and weaves his understanding into the…

Wind of change

I don’t particularly like it when the wind is blowing at night. I lie in bed listening to watering cans clattering across the back yard, rubbish bins being blown over. I can see all my recycling rubbish being strewn across the neighbouring fields. I live in a sturdy house but it still feels like one…


Back in the 1960’s in the days when the Whitsuntide bank holiday coincided with the celebration of Pentecost, the people of Bradford would crowd on the pavements of the city to watch the walkers.  The race, in its day was oldest road walking event in the world and at its height attracted several hundred walkers…

All life’s experiences

I’ve just returned from N. Ireland having spent a week visiting family and friends. On one of the days we enjoyed a lovely afternoon with my sister and brother-in-law. When I opened the door as we were leaving there were some visitors standing on the welcome mat waiting to get into the house. Her seven very…