News (Page 63)


When we send flowers for a birthday, Christmas, a special anniversary or event, we usually use Flying Flowers as we have always found them to be extremely helpful.  This means of course that we get regular updates on their merchandise, but at least they keep in touch.  The other day their heading was “Feeling Rosy”. …

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 11th June 2023

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                             Year A                                    11th June 2023 Lectionary Readings: Hosea 5 v15 – 6 v6;       Psalm 50 v7-15;        Romans 4 v13-25;        Matthew 9 v9-13, 18-26. Living examples of faith in God. The readings this week explore the issue of faith, and what genuine faith looks like in real life. The prophet…

Cycladic art

I have recently returned from a short holiday in Athens – thoroughly recommended. We walked for miles and visited all the important ancient sites, including the Acropolis and the Parthenon. These were impressive places, steeped in history. But for me one of the highlights of the holiday was visiting the Museum of Cycladic Art. Apologies…

Trinity Sunday

Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Rev Derek Grimshaw Many years ago, when I first started training as a Local Preacher, an older and wiser preacher advised me to try and avoid ever preaching on Trinity Sunday “it is the most challenging Sunday and I never offer an appointment on that…


I mentioned last week that I had been back to N.Ireland to visit family and friends. A couple of the people I met were friends from my previous church. We spent quite a long time catching up on each other’s news. I was horrified to learn that during Covid twenty-one members of the church had…

What is your best?

How do you choose cards for those you love? Do you go for the words or the picture?  Do you choose one that states the relationship you are to the recipient? Or do you pick the cheapest? I was studying the birthday cards I received recently. Thankfully, none had age numbers on. It struck me…

The Spirit’s gift

We have arrived in the season of Pentecost. What began as a record in the Acts of the Apostles continues still as the acts of the People of God, empowered by his Spirit. Sometimes, I think, we forget that faith itself is ours because of the Holy Spirit’s work; it cannot be forced by an…