News (Page 62)

The Letter

Based on 2 Corinthians , Chapter 3 The Pearly Gates, Heaven Dear Disciple,      Forget the piece of paper – it’s you that I want. Forget the ink – I want your heart. Forget the pen – I use the Holy Spirit. I’m not posting a letter. I’m sending you. Not Royal Mail, But Loyal Male.…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 18th June 2023

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time.                   Year A                                    18th June 2023                      Lectionary Readings:    Exodus 19 v2-8a;     Romans 5 v1-8;     Matthew 9 v35 – 10 v8.                      Are you part of the solution? That is the underlying question I think is being posed by Jesus to his disciples in the gospel reading. Jesus looks upon the crowds…

Banana skin

How often do we step on a metaphorical banana skin? We  think everything is going smoothly and something “trips” us up? Or we think we have the solution and it turns out not to be so? We come up against a problem and rather than face up to it, we run in the opposite direction.…

MHA Sunday

I love this picture, it is framed and mounted at the top of our stairs at home. The picture is of my paternal grandmother, and I believe that she was about eighteen at the time dating it around the year 1900.  I only knew my grandma as an old lady and she died a few…

Perfect timing

When my husband and I were in Northern Ireland recently Drew celebrated his birthday. It was a bit strange not having any presents to open and only a card from me. I was very aware of the weight of the case and Drew was having to wait until we came back to get his presents…


The greatest picture of a father’s love is found in the familiar parable found in Luke 15, commonly known as ‘The Prodigal Son.’ When the son comes to  his senses and decides to return – it is to a person rather than a place. It seems that he expects rather a judgemental court martial type…

The Word

Jesus told his disciples that he had far more to tell them than they could cope with [John 16:12-15]. He went on to say that after him, the Spirit, also part of God and equally reliable, would keep on revealing new snippets of truth as appropriate and as individuals needed or were ready for them.…