News (Page 6)

What is God like?

I am sure many readers will have heard the story of the teacher, having asked the class to draw someone, approached one child and asked her who she was drawing. The girl replied that she was drawing God and the teacher responded, “No one knows what God is like”. The girl replied, “They will when…


How to feel alone in a city of 9.5million This is a quote from a friend in Elmsett when I sent her the attached photo. It was a beautiful crisp sunny wintery day, the sort of weather I like. My husband and I met our son and his wife in Greenwich park, along with Bill…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 9th February 2025

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                   Year C                                     9th February 2025 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 6 v1-8 (9-13); Psalm 138; 1 Corinthians 15 v1-11; Luke 5 v1-11. You (Lord) have made us what we are. The notion of God making us what we are is reflected in all today’s readings. Isaiah is commissioned by God to…


One of the things that caught my attention upon first arriving in Ipswich was the Question Mark Sculpture outside the waterfront campus building of the University of Suffolk. It seemed to symbolise the power of curiosity, the spirit of inquiry, and the search for understanding. Questions, after all, are the best way to uncover answers.…

Waste not, want not

Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Anna Porter The following poem is by an unknown author. The Crust: “Waste not-want not.” I must not throw upon the floor The crust I cannot eat, There’s many a hungry little one Would think it quite a treat. My parents take the kindest care…


In the last few days I have rediscovered the beauty of frost. Crunching my way in the semi darkness to an early breakfast meeting, the glittery sparkles of frost underfoot blew me away. It struck me that it was so much more beautiful even than newly laid untouched snow. When I looked at car rooves…

The right ending

The poet and painter William Blake produced various illustrations of the book of Job. This is the same man who wrote of the ‘dark satanic mills’ in the same poem as describing ‘England’s green and pleasant land.’ Job had a mostly fortunate life; he was a man of God and successful by the world’s standards.…

Bread alone

Today’s thought for the day is brought to us Rev Claire Jones Something to read The tempter came and said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.’ But he answered, ‘It is written, “One does not live by bread alone, but by every word…