News (Page 57)

Christianity at Work – but outside

Call me Moses.  Through a set of difficult circumstances (don’t ask), I have become “Moderator” of Churches Together Felixstowe.  That’ll teach me to agreeing in a weak moment to stand as “Deputy Moderator”! So I recently chaired our annual AGM at which all the organisations/charities supported by CTF are asked to submit a report of…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 16th July 2023

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time                     Year A                                                16th July 2023 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 55 v1-13;        Psalm 65 v9-13;        Romans 8 v1-11;        Matthew 13 v1-9; 18-23 How can I live a ‘productive’ life? Well,  says Isaiah, start by turning back to God, give up your ‘crooked ways’ and ‘evil thoughts’ and you will find that ‘God…

Imitators of Christ

This thought was first published on October 10th 2020 I have recently become more aware, that I am looking and sound more and more like my mother. It’s something we might look forward to or dread! My son is often referred to as a spitting image of his dad – indeed I have photos of…

No Mow May

You might think that I have lost the plot and not realised that today it is July.  Being on sabbatical, I admit that I was thrilled with the idea of “No Mow May” I am no gardener and mowing the lawn is about my limit when it comes to horticulture.  We had a week away…