News (Page 56)

Mountains and Valleys

Jesus invited his three closest disciples to go up a mountain with him (Matthew 17). There his appearance altered, bathed in bright light that dazzled the disciples. Moses & Elijah appear, two of Israel’s greatest prophets. This was the “transfiguration”, a mountaintop experience. It changed the disciples forever answering their deep-seated doubts about who Jesus…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 23rd July 2023

The 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time,                                    Year A,                       23rd July 2023. Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 44 v 6-8;      Psalm 86 v11-17;      Romans 8 v 12-25;      Matthew 13 v 24-30, 36-43.                  Who is Jesus? Matthew has followed last week’s parable about farming with another, in this week’s gospel reading. I think Matthew is trying…

Phone Box

I have just returned from a 4-day cycling trip from Morecambe to Bridlington following the Way of the Roses cycle route. There were some highs and some lows – literally, but in all it was a fantastic experience, and a great achievement for everyone who took part. Also, plenty of material for TFTD! On our…

The God and the Gospel of Righteousness

The God and the Gospel of Righteousness by David PawsonAnchor Recordings, 2014 £4.99 63 pages ISBN 978 1 909 886 681 Reading this book by David Pawson, son of Prof Cecil Pawson who was Vice President ofConference in 1951, is a salutary and sobering experience. With plenty of Bible references and accounts of personal experiences,…

Playing by the Rules

I was invited to have a scan a few weeks ago and went to a local health centre. The letter clearly stated that face masks MUST be worn, and there was a notice on the door as I entered, stating the same.  I sat in the waiting with two other people, all dutifully wearing our…

Dont find fault

Recently I’ve been badly affected by vertigo so I’ve been spending my time sitting and trying not to fall over when I’m walking (staggering like a drunk) about. This has given me the opportunity to sort out some of my box files of keepsakes and little booklets. I came across the following poem which had…

St Swithin’s Day

Tomorrow is St Swithin’s Day. St Swithin  was born around 800 AD and became the Bishop of Winchester. Tradition has it that he didn’t want to be buried in a prominent tomb inside the cathedral like other religious dignitaries,  but rather chose to be buried outside “Where the sweet rain of heaven may fall upon…

Our Purpose

The Norwegian city of Tromsø is home to the world’s most northerly cathedral. We visited it a year ago and were stuck by the simplicity of the architecture of a building set in a harsh environment. Well beyond the Arctic Circle, the Arctic Cathedral speaks of the Glory of God in ways that differ greatly…

National Memorial Arboretum

A few years ago, Ray and I went to the National Memorial Arboretum in the centre of England in Staffordshire.  It is a wonderful place to go and is a very large area to walk around and I would recommend you get on the little train. Several things really impressed me.  Apart from all the…