News (Page 41)

Healthy Fellowship / Heathy Food

A feature of church life, aside from worship, is often its fellowship forged over food. You can properly cite scriptural examples of fellowship involving meals, not least the Last Supper itself. It is sometimes said that we are what we eat; which makes many Christians appear as tea, biscuits, cakes, and other not especially healthy…


I once attended a course arranged by a national charity and it included this comment by one of the speakers. “There are two kinds of people in the world, those who talk and those who cannot wait for them to pause for breath so they can start!”  Somewhat tongue in cheek I suspect, but there…

Cat in a box

This thought was first published on 12th October 2021 While reading my paper last weekend I came across the picture of a cute cat looking out from a cardboard box. Nothing unusual in that you might think, but the caption with it said: I don’t care how big the new garden is.I don’t care how…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 29th October 2023

30th Sunday in ordinary Time                                             Year A                         29th October 2023 Lectionary Readings: Leviticus 19 v1-2, 15-18;       Psalm 1;       1 Thessalonians 2 v1-8;       Matthew 22 v 34-46.     Tricky questions, demanding answers. In the Old Testament passage, God says, “I am the Lord your God. I am holy and you must be holy too!”…

Let sleeping dogs lie

Did you know that this well-known proverb, originates from the book of Proverbs chapter 26 verse 17 “Like one who grabs a stray dog by the ears is someone who rushes into a quarrel not their own.” Last weekend my son came to stay as our other son was over briefly from Australia. It also…

Justice and Power

Way back in the 1960’s my mum invested her hard-earned money in a Kenwood Chefette food mixer and this amazing little piece of kit revolutionised our lives. Mum insisted that the margarine and sugar were properly creamed when mixing a sponge cake and prior to the arrival of the food mixer, that required effort and…


Recently a very dear friend of mine died. Her daughter gave me a couple of her cookery books to look at and see whether I wanted to keep them or pass them on to someone else. Inside one of them I found a bookmark with a very touching verse on it. It said: “A Friend…

More than one Grandma?

My granddaughter recently discovered Stickle bricks at Humpty Dumpty club, and, as it’s not a toy she has at home, we were sitting at a table exploring what we could make and sorting the pieces into sizes and colours. As we played, the little one was keeping an eye on what was going on around…

Stepping Back

Nothing in the photograph today is unique. Grass, a river, a field, and trees. Let me explain why that scene is so important in my memory. Recently I attended the 75th birthday celebration of my prep school, Brandeston Hall. We had a thanksgiving service, tea on the terrace, tours of the old place and some…