News (Page 4)

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 23rd February 2025

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time             Year C                  23rd  February 2025 Lectionary Readings: Genesis 43 v3-11,15;   Psalm 37 v1-11, 39-40;   1 Corinthians 15 v35-38, 42-50;   Luke 6 v27-38 Heavenly bodies. In this week’s passage from his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul is doing his best to answer the questions put to him about…


Thessalonians 5 v 11 says, “So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.” I first started writing a Thought for the Day in March 2020 just as we were going into Lockdown. It was meant to be a word of encouragement to a few close friends as we…

Jesus loves me this I know

Wherever I have been this week, shop windows have been covered in hearts – mostly red but one phone shop particularly had blue ones. Love is in the air. I was reminded of my Dad singing the good old hymn, ’Jesus loves me, this I know’. He wasn’t a church goer in his later years…

Times and Seasons

Recently, we paid a visit to Rochester Cathedral. It is one of those places we had not visited before so we learned another few lines of our country’s rich history. Something else was surprising. We have become used to war memorials being adorned with wreathes all the year round. However, at Rochester, inside the visitors’…


Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by is Dr Frances Clemson, Faith Communications and Just Scripture Specialist at Christian Aid. Something to read Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with…

The Badly Behaved Bible

The Badly Behaved Bible : thinking again about the story of Scripture  by Nick PageHodder & Stoughton, 2020  £10  260 pagesISBN 978 1 473 686 212  Also available on Kindle Nick Page is a well known author with over 80 books to his credit. He has been called ‘God’s most dangerous writer’. The quotation from…