News (Page 39)


Sometimes, I start writing a Thought for the Day and for whatever reason, it doesn’t quite get finished. Interestingly, one of those was one that I began writing back in May when we were approaching our first wedding anniversary and I was recalling all of the changes that wonderful day brought with it. New house,…


 Isaiah 30 verse 21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” The phrase at the end of the verse came to mind following our decision to enjoy two days away including an overnight stay. After visiting the beautiful grounds…


A couple of weeks ago I played in “The last Night of the Proms.” Not THE last night of the Proms, but our local small town variety. Members of our local town orchestra with a few guests brought the old favourites as well as a stunning performance of Greig’s Piano Concerto, with the soloist from…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 12th November 2023

32nd Sunday in ordinary Time                    Year A                                     12th November 2023. Lectionary readings: Amos 5 v18-24; Psalm 70; Thessalonians 4 v13-18; Matthew 25 v1-13.             Are you ready to join the celebration? Amos, like most of the Old Testament prophets, is impatiently explaining once again to the people of Israel what the Lord requires of…

Update On My Tomatoes

A few months ago, I wrote about my first attempt at growing tomatoes. I fed and watered them and put in supports as necessary. Daily checks were carried out and I worried about them if it was very windy. I also counted them as I picked them to eat. The final total was 265/267. (I…


Every month seems to come round quicker and quicker! Here we are in the month of Remembrance once again. Thinking about the Gunpowder plot, laying explosives under the Houses of Parliament, resonates with what is going on in Gaza as I write this. The tunnels packed with weaponry by Hamas under innocent buildings with people…

Free spirits

There is an important place for those who can think and behave in unorthodox ways; without them we would not develop exciting new technologies, exceed old limits, or crack long standing problems. Free Spirits can also be disruptive in a destructive way and do harm, they may exploit vulnerabilities and they sometimes unknowingly bring anxiety…