News (Page 37)

“25000 Orchids”

Bible reading : Psalm 139:13 (The Message)You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body. You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something Did you know there are more than 270000 different species of flower on the Earth ? and looking at…


Life can be a struggle at times, marked by pain, loss, grief, broken relationships and ill health. None of us can avoid all of these things because they are part of the journey. We would not be human if we didn’t feel desperate for help at times. The wonder of our faith is that those…

“Hidden talents”

COP28 starts in 10 days’ time in Dubai. The lectionary reading yesterday was the parable of the talents, where a slave owner gives each of his slaves 10 talents, before going away for some time. 10 talents was a considerable sum of money, even one talent was more than any employee or slave could expect…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 26th November 2023

The Sunday before Advent                       Year A                                   26th November 2023 Lectionary Readings Ezekiel 34 v11-16, 20-24.      The Lord is the good shepherd. Ephesians 1 v15-23                Paul’s prayer. Matthew 25 v31-46.               The final judgement. Judgement Time Both Ezekiel and Matthew have been taking the religious leaders of their day to task for failing to provide…


On Tuesday a group of us who take part in Open the Book acted out the story of Eve being tempted and eating the forbidden fruit. God’s perfect world became imperfect. The moral of the story reinforced to the children one of their core values of Honesty and knowing the difference between doing bad and doing good.…

“Up Grandma!”

When I arrived to collect my granddaughter for Mothers and Toddlers this week, she was asleep in her buggy. Of course, as soon as we went into the hall, she woke up and had a happy afternoon playing, snacking and singing. However, when I put her back in the pushchair to take to school to…


Just after the recent flooding in Framlingham, as householders we received a standard e-mail from the company responsible for our drains. One provider sells us water while another company charges us to take it away again, (after we have washed in it or processed it through our systems.) Run off water from our properties goes…