News (Page 318)

6 Week Online Study courses from Wesley House

Are you looking for something extra to do during these times of social isolation ? Wesley House have 2 online courses starting over the next few weeks. The first is “Drawing close to God” – Exploring art in worship and theologyThis online course is for all who are interested in exploring mainly contemporary art from…

“God is Sovereign”

Thought for the day – Wednesday 15th April 2020  It’s often said that we are living in strange times. There are times in our lives even in ‘normal’ times when we go through difficulties, when it’s hard to keep going, when we may wonder ‘Where is God in all of this?”  It can be hard…

“Decisions ?!”

Thought for the day – Tuesday 14th April 2020 Isn’t it fantastic the way the country is pulling together to heap their praises on all the care staff who are working tirelessly, often at risk to their own health, in their vocation to use all their skill and energy to save lives and restore health. …

A Passion for truth – Book Review

A passion for truth : the intellectual coherence of evangelicalism by Alister McGrath. Apollos, 1996  256 pages  £14.99   ISBN 0 851 114 477 In 5 sections of closely argued and convincing detail, Alister McGrath demonstrates that evangelicalism enjoys intellectual coherence, (ie within its own terms it is reasonable) as well as academic credibility, that is,…

Jesus, Light of the World

Thought for the day – Monday 13th April 2020 In these unprecedented times…. This journey through Holy Week is a journey of discovery in a totally unfamiliar world – at least for most of us. Now we experience what those on the margins – those with severe disabilities or illness, the migrant, the refugee, the…