News (Page 315)

Vote for Mo !!

Further to our previous news article, the voting for the Methodist Insurance Volunteer awards is now open ! You can go straight to Mo’s story and the voting button using the link below. Vote for Mo For more information on the awards and to read everyone else’s story click this link

“Our relationship with God”

Thought for the day – Sunday 29th March 2020 Reading:  John 19:16 – 24 So the soldiers took charge of Jesus. Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha). There they crucified him, and with him two others—one on each side and Jesus in the middle. Pilate had a notice…

Joan’s Jottings for 28th March

Dear Friends in Christ, A friendly reminder that tonight (Saturday) the clocks spring forward. We will be worshipping at home tomorrow! I encourage you to keep your normal Sunday rhythm to your lives and to join us in worship. I recorded the service today. So, tomorrow morning, go onto our circuit website and then choose…

Reflection from Rev. Diane Smith

Last night Nigel recorded a reflection from me. I mean the words with all sincerity but the production is very Heath Robinson as it was done on my iPhone. I hope and pray that it will be of some help, but let’s be honest I won’t be hearing from a TV producer just yet. If the amateur nature gives you a laugh it would have done some good. I knew it was pretty naff when Nigel said to me, the next one is bound to l be better