News (Page 313)

Now thank we all our God

Thought for the day – Wednesday 8th April 2020 These are unprecedented times. Even so, as an avid lover of hymns I find I am still inclined to hum (and sometimes sing out loud) hymns routinely. I have so many favourites, but if I really had to pick a favourite it would be the hymn…

What are we doing here ?

Thought for the day – Monday 6th April 2020 Thomas stood in the courtyard early in the morning, he’d felt uneasy about this whole mission since they began and whilst the event of yesterday had been exciting, he was concerned today. The rabbi was doing wonderful work in Galilee, there was still plenty of people…

Joan’s Jottings for 4th April

Holy Week is upon us! Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. The worship service will be available as video or audio on the website. There is also a ‘Stations of the Cross’ brochure for you to use during Holy Week. Experience at your own pace the Way of the Cross through a series of images and readings depicting the Passion Story with accompanying questions for contemplation.

Martin Ellis

Martin was born on 23rd September 1943 at Ealing, London, the only child of John and Gladys Ellis. He was christened at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster by Dr.W.E.Sangster who had a great influence on his life. When he was twelve years old, he became a chorister at the Temple Church in London under Dr George…