News (Page 309)

Arts and Crafts 2020

This time of year is when the Ipswich Circuit normally hold their Bi-Annual Art and Craft competition. This year we have had to cancel this due to the Coronavirus pandemic. However, we know that there are many of you out there that are creating all kinds of wonderful Art and Craft pieces and we would…

“Life goes on”

Thought for the day – Thursday 21st May 2020 Based on the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 1 verses 12 – 26 It was a sombre group that made their way from the Mount of Olives that day.   For the most part we walked along in silence, the events of the day at the forefront…

Joan’s Jottings for 20th May

Thy Kingdom Come begins tomorrow. Full details are on the circuit website. There are several things to download: the prayer journal, the phone app, and a family adventure. I have spare printed copies of the prayer journal if you would like one of those. Rev. Andrew Sankey’s video Bible Study is available there too, plus an Ascension Day reflection from Rev. Diane Smith. New things will be added to this page daily for the next 11 days. Who are you going to pray for? Let us Light Up Suffolk in prayer.

“Mental Health Week”

This mental health awareness week it is good to look out for one another but also for ourselves. Perhaps it is an opportunity to make that phone call we have been putting off or write that letter we have been meaning to send. As we connect with others we can not only encourage them but…

“Enduring faithfullness”

Thought for the day – Wednesday 20th May 2020 Matthew 24 13: But those enduring to the end shall be saved Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my father,There is no shadow of turning with thee;Thou changest not, thy compassions they fail not;As thou hast been thou for ever wilt be.  This well known and…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 24th May 2020

7th Sunday of Easter (Sunday after Ascension Day)                      Year A                         24.5.20. Lectionary Readings Acts 1 v6-14                           Jesus is taken to heaven. 1 Peter 4 v12-14; 5 v6-11.     Suffering and comfort. John 17 v1-11                         Jesus prays for his followers. Questions, questions. Luke has two versions of the Ascension. Why?  At the end of…

“Medicine for the soul”

Thought for the day – Tuesday 19th May 2020 The fourth in a number of reflections written by the Rev’d Diane Smith, inspired by the writings of Julian of Norwich. A number of you may be involved with the current positive trend on Facebook encouraging us to think positively and be grateful for the things…


Thought of the day – Monday 18th May 2020 Things I like to do…. This is the first from a series of “Thoughts for the day” using four of my hobbies, all of which I have been fortunate enough to continue despite the Covid-19 lockdown. They all give me the opportunity to reflect and ponder…