This set of thoughts is inspired by acts of creation in the kitchen, for many of us the heart of the home.
This set of thoughts is inspired by acts of creation in the kitchen, for many of us the heart of the home.
We just had to share this amazing drawing by Terry George
Thought for the day – Sunday 26th April 2020 Brought to us by Derek Grimshaw Jesus Barabbas The lads were so pleased to see him that they were planning big celebrations, the worst crime any man can commit is being caught and when the Roman Army came for him, not only did he know that…
Today’s service is available online as we begin our new series Tales from Peter’s Discipleship Journey and wonder at how Peter’s journey from Fisherman to Disciple began.
The new preaching theme from Capel St Mary Methodist Church is Being Church, Doing Life, Marks of Maturity, beginning 26th April for 5 weeks until 24th May.
Thought for the day – Saturday 25th April 2020 Brought to us by Stuart Warman Bible reading : Luke 18:1Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. Jesus told us a parable that said that we need to pray constantly. When we are faced…
Dear Friends St. Paul writes “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind…….” (Romans 12 v2) My word, we are currently having to evolve and be transformed at quite an alarming rate in the crisis we are living through. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful way you have risen to…
Some members of the congregation at Trinity in Felixstowe have just supplied this wonderful banner to show the support for the NHS and other keyworkers during these difficult times. How lovely it is to see what is being done around the circuit. Well done Trinity 🙂
You cant have missed 99 year old (Now 100!) Captain Tom’s amazing fund raising efforts – Now meet the people inspired by Captain Tom to take on their own walking challenges. Follow the link below to see the full story on BBC.
Thought for the day – Friday 24th April 2020 Brought to us by Anna Howes Reading – Ephesians 2: 13-18But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall…