News (Page 305)


Thought for the day – Tuesday 3rd June 2020 2 Timothy 4 7  “ I have fought the good fight; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith”. Paul, writing to Timothy, about to face execution after an unfair trial and an unjust sentence from Emperor Nero, says, “I have fought the fight;…

“Indescribable gift”

Thought of the day – Tuesday 2nd June 2020 Hello Everyone, the Thought for the Day is from 2 Corinthians 9 v 15.“It has been said that one of the Roman emperor gave an expensive present to a friend. But when the ruler offered the gift the friend said, “This is too much for me…

Against Calvanism – Book review

Against Calvinism  by Roger E Olson    Zondervan, 2011   £15   207 pages  ISBN 978 0 310 324 676 Also available as an eBook Roger Olson is a Baptist minister and a professor of theology at an American theological college. He has written this book to show the theological and logical weaknesses of Calvinism and, by implication,…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 7th June 2020

Trinity Sunday                                  Year A                                                            7 June 2020. Lectionary Readings Isaiah 40 v12-17; 27-31.                    Who compares with God? And the LORD gives strength. 2 Corinthians 13 v1-13                     Letter ending- blessing. Matthew 28 v16-20                            What Jesus’ followers must do. Motivation. What is it that motivates and binds together God the Father, Jesus and the Holy…


We have had beautiful weather and I have walked five and six miles each day. I also have a front and back garden where I can sit. There is plenty of colour, insects, butterflies, and birds arguing who will have the first bath or drink in the morning to amuse me. Yet I was feeling…