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Find the Day 4 resources here
Thought for the day – Saturday 23rd May 2020 Tomorrow is 24th May – When Methodists traditionally remember the day John Wesley felt his heart “strangely warmed”. This experience prompted John and his brother, Charles, to develop the ideas and theology of Methodism – the ideas of holiness and of the possibility of salvation for…
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For example Mr Young made an underwater whale so they could learn about the story of Jonah and challenged the teenagers to make boats to learn about when Jesus calmed a storm.
If you fall down, you shouldn’t get up right away, lie where you have fallen for a moment, catch your breath, take your time, then carefully, carefully start to stand, moving slowly, making sure you’ve got you’re balance, before you carry on your way. A very thought provoking podcast, written and read by Rev Christine…
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Thought for the day – Friday 22nd May 2020 Psalm 136O, give thanks to the Lord, for He is goodFor His steadfast love endures for ever Endurance is not easy, not by any means. Consider the story of Shun Fujimoto the Japanese gymnast. He puts the Olympic Games in an altogether worthy perspective. Now retired,…
This time of year is when the Ipswich Circuit normally hold their Bi-Annual Art and Craft competition. This year we have had to cancel this due to the Coronavirus pandemic. However, we know that there are many of you out there that are creating all kinds of wonderful Art and Craft pieces and we would…
Find the Day 1 resources here,
Thought for the day – Thursday 21st May 2020 Based on the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 1 verses 12 – 26 It was a sombre group that made their way from the Mount of Olives that day. For the most part we walked along in silence, the events of the day at the forefront…