News (Page 294)


Thought for the day – Wednesday 5th August 2020 There was an article in the Daily Telegraph about a month ago about balancing each day.  It said that there was almost nothing more calming than creating a balance when you plan your daily activities.  Life will then seem more purposeful and organised.  Balance is created…

Kirton Garden Gatherings

Every Sunday afternoon during August and September (Weather permitting) , the lovely garden at Kirton Chapel will be open at 4pm to view a selection of Worship Stations.

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 9th August 2020

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year A                                                                   9th August 2020 Lectionary Readings: 1 Kings 19 v9-18.                               God appears to Elijah. Romans 10 v5-15.                              Anyone can be saved. Matthew 14 v22-33.                           Jesus walks on the water. “Why do you doubt”? All three lectionary readings challenge us to have faith in God. Faith that God is in…

The Weight of Glory by CS Lewis

The Weight of Glory  by CS Lewis    SPCK, 1942 23 pages        available in many of CS Lewis’s books of collected writings Combine a healthy, focussed imagination with a deep understanding of the way Christians see things, add an enviable command of language and you will eventually come up with CS Lewis. Such gifts are…

“Fix your eyes”

Thought for the day – Tuesday 4th August 2020 Whilst away visiting family (most importantly our Grandson!) I went out for a run. The pavements in the part of Liverpool they live are not very well maintained. Despite concentrating on where my feet fell I took a rather nasty tumble and have ended up with…

How can we sing a new song ?

Thought for the day – Monday 3rd August 2020 This Thought for the day is based on a Liturgy written by Revd Michaela Youngson, past President of Conference and Chair of the London District. (It can be found on the back of the opening letter of this Summer Connexion magazine.) The photo accompanying the liturgy…

“Give him your lunch”

Thought for the day – Sunday 2nd August 2020 One of the tasks we are keen to establish in the Ipswich Methodist Circuit is a virtual Church.  One of the new skills that the Coronavirus experience has taught us is that the generation, often missing from our traditional Church services are engaging with us through…


Thought for the day – Saturday 1st August 2020 Recently our rabbit was due her annual vaccinations.  She does not like being picked up, so I started early to get her into her carrier.  The first time she squirmed out of my grasp.  The second time she ran to the back of the hutch where…