News (Page 292)

“Open Space”

In the Felixstowe Mission Area, during the months of August and September we are meeting in the garden at Kirton Chapel for Worship at 4pm each Sunday. So far, we have engaged with a “Birds of the Bible worship station experience” and a Garden Holy Communion (following social distancing guidelines). Plans are in place for…

It’s your move

It’s Your Move – Heading for High School This is a great little book for Year 6 pupils to help them think about and be better equipped for moving to their new High School. It talks about loneliness, getting lost and handling issues like bullying, drugs and relationships etc. There are some fun games and…

A Prayer for Beirut

As we continue to see and hear reports of devastation in Beirut we pray for those who are bereaved or injured and for those responding to the catastrophe that has engulfed the city.

“Penny dropping moments”

Bible reading – 1 John 1:9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness Have you had those moments when suddenly the penny drops, and you see things more clearly than before? I knew about confession of sin, I knew about forgiveness of…

Sermon Notes 16th August 2020

Old Testament Reading Isaiah 56; v 1-8 The focus of this reading is keeping the Sabbath. A truly counter-cultural marker of being God’s Chosen People. During the pandemic, how have we been challenged to keep the Sabbath in different ways?  What have you found helpful? How much of the responsibility for keeping the Sabbath lies…


You can’t fail to have noticed the words ‘normal’ and ‘normality’. They are to be heard and read everywhere. For the Christian disciple, ‘normal’ and ‘normality’ both have a meaning far beyond their current usage. Years ago, I heard a lecture by an American theologian and philosopher, Dr Francis Schaeffer, who, in the course of the lecture,…