News (Page 291)

“Keep sowing the seed”

Thought of the day – Sunday 12th July 2020 A Sower went out to sow (Matthew 13) I am totally confused at just where we are in the year, I am used to the familiar milestones along my annual journey and this year, the majority of those milestones haven’t happened and I feel disorientated most…

“Ritual of Sakura”

Thought for the day – Saturday 11th July 2020 At Christmas and Birthdays I very often receive hand cream, shower gel, etc.  The hand cream I am using now is called The Ritual of Sakura, strange name, I thought.  On looking more closely it tells me: “In Japan the annual flowering of Sakura (cherry blossom)…


Thought for the day – Friday 10th July 2020 Recently some Bible reading notes I use, focused on the account in Nehemiah of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.  When the damage to the city was reported he said ” You see the trouble we are in”. ( Neh 2:17) However it is then…

Darwin’s Dilemma – DVD Review

Darwin’s Dilemma  dvd  Illustra Media 72 minutes 0 467 106 309  Available for purchase or on You Tube According to a leading palaeontologist the Cambrian explosion caused Charles Darwin more grief than joy. Nothing distressed him more. With graphic detail, this dvd examines what is, without doubt, one of the most spectacular events in the…


Thought for the day – Thursday 9th July 2020 Some of you may have seen, around a year ago, a most wonderful programme on TV in which Dame Judi Dench expressed her love of trees and revealed that she often plants a tree in memory of a loved one. Trees, protect the soil, absorb CO2…

Generous Hospitality

Thought for the day – Wednesday 8th July 2020 Those people who know me well will be aware that I am one of those people (some might say one of those strange people) who enjoy the Methodist Conference. That being the case you will not be surprised that I have spent quite a lot of…


Thought for the Day – Tuesday 7th July 2020 Bible reading – Psalm 139 v 23. Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting  “The Learning Annex, a chain of adult-education schools, says that more than 200,000 people…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 12th July 2020

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                 12 July 2020. Lectionary Readings Isaiah 55 v1-13                      God’s words are powerful. Romans 8 v1-11                     Living by the power of God’s Spirit. Matthew 13 v1-9; 18-23        A story about a farmer. How can I live a ‘productive’ life? Well,  says Isaiah, start by turning back to God, give up…