News (Page 288)

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 13th September 2020

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time         Year A                                                 13th September 2020 Lectionary Readings Genesis 50 v 15-21.                Joseph forgives his brothers. Romans 14 v 1-12.                 Don’t criticize others. Matthew 18 v 21-35.              An official who refuses to forgive. Reluctance In the Old Testament reading, the brothers of Joseph seem reluctant to ask his forgiveness…

Leaves for healing (1)

Bible Reading:  Ezekiel 47: 12 Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” There is a glory…

Scripture Twisting

Scripture Twisting : twenty ways the cults misread the Bible by James W Sire IVP Books, 1980180 pages £14 ISBN 978 0 877 846 116 That there are so many competing religions and philosophies with ardent followers is sign enoughof hunger for the meaning of life, spiritual satisfaction and moral certainty – as the experience…

Life’s reverses

Years ago a tourist was being shown through one of the oldest castles in England. He admired the rich furnishings, the valuable art treasures and the ornate carvings. Then he noticed a strange tapestry that had a wild, irregular pattern of colour and knotted threads. The guide, seeing the man’s quizzical look said, “That’s actually…

All creatures great and small

I was delighted to see that Channel 5 were screening a new TV series of what has become a twentieth century classic, penned by Yorkshire vet Alf Wight better know to the world as James Herriot. I thoroughly enjoyed episode one and loved seeing placed that hold dear to my heart. I will be watching…

Breaking and Mending – No3

Following on from Breaking and Mending 2, we need to accept, of course, that   a time may come when, as Rev Patrick McCluskey, (an inspiration for the healing ministry of Jesus), said, ‘the prayers have to change’. There may come a time in a person’s illness when all medical options have been exhausted, and there…

God of wonders – DVD review

God of Wonders   dvd  Eternal Productions, 2008  84 mins.  £12 Available from Amazon and Eden Bookshop, Cambridge Watching this film is worth it for the beautiful photography alone but the American producers do use the opportunity to preach the gospel. Critics and committed unbelievers might find the interspersed commentary superfluous, spoiling enjoyment of the magnificent…

Ride upon the storm

“Ride upon the storm” is a Danish drama translated into English and shown recently on Channel four. It is about a family of priests who can trace their roots back in the Dutch  Lutheran  Church for 250 years. It is full of drama and crisis and individuals who struggle and fall.  It is also fall…