News (Page 287)

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 20th September 2020

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time         Year A                                               20th September 2020. Lectionary Readings: Jonah 3 v10-4 v11                  The people of Nineveh believe God’s message. Philippians 1 v21-30              What life means to Paul. Matthew 20 v1-16.                 Workers in a vineyard. Just to turn things on their head, I am starting with some questions for you to ponder:-…


All America waited anxiously. Many people prayed. Captain Scott O’Grady’s F-16 had been shot down as he was flying over Serbia. Had he been killed or captured? Was he seriously injured? The hours ticked by. Five days passed. On the 6th day another pilot picked up a faint message from O’Grady’s radio. He was alive,…

Out of the mouths of babes

Boys Brigade and Brownies used to meet on the same evening at one of the Churches we attended. In typical style, the boys had been trying to scare the girls. Our smallest daughter came home full of indignation and informed us that she had been told that our Church had a Ghost ! and asked…

Great is thy faithfulness

We have been doing a Bible read through at the church I attend and earlier this week reached Lamentations. I must say some of it has seemed quite hard work and Lamentations has been no exception. It seems like an awful lot of grief and misery ! However in the middle of chapter 3 are…

The power of personal testimony

The Alpha course attracts positive and negative comment. Consider, for example, the story of Simon Dixon, a talented musician who began the piano at the age of 5. Simon’s story is too long to go into all the detail here but a full career in church music, teaching, conducting and concerts filled his life, ‘music…

Suffolk Churches Ride & Stride

Saturday 12th September sees the “Suffolk Churches Ride & Stride”. Last year I foolishly mentioned that I would like to try and cycle round ALL the Ipswich Circuit Churches. So this year I am going to attempt MOST of the churches, (apologies to Orford, and Capel / Brantham / Holbrook) This is around 70 miles and…


I usually associate Spike Milligan with the Goon Show which readers of a certain age will probably remember!  However, he did have a very serious side. When Ray and I went to Kiln Farm Nurseries near us for some plants and coffee and cake there was the following poem put up near the entrance which…