News (Page 285)

For such a time as this

At the ripe old age of 63 I find myself at times struggling with life’s circumstances that seem to be beyond my understanding. More and more my quiet question to God revolves around the little word ‘why?’- not least of all in this unsettling time of pandemic- and the expression found in the story  of…


The first of a few thoughts around one word  –  CONSIDER….. Consider the lilies of the field….  Jesus is keen for us to recognise how precious we are to God and  how  we can trust and rely on him.   Matthew 6:28 and Luke 12:27 tell  how Jesus’  followers are  to  “consider the lilies of the…

“Come all you Saints”

My mother once told me many years ago that it was during the 1st World War that some words of a hymn really did help her.  She was walking up the hill from Manningtree Station after saying goodbye to my Dad who was in the army and had been on a weekend leave.  My mum…

Joan’s Jottings for 16th August

Dear Siblings in Christ, Today’s service is available online. Scripture is Matthew 15:21-28. This is the third in the five-week series living outside the box entitled passing the crumbs. We try to box God in, but God is always breaking out of the box and shattering our understandings of life in God’s kingdom. In today’s…

In the way of progress

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, I am currently missing my regular fix of visits to the Yorkshire Dales.  When my brother and I were little we spent many a happy hour at Bolton Abbey with our parents.  In those days my dad drove a motorbike and sidecar and the journey from…

Are you having a ball?

It would be difficult to escape the claims being made across every sector of society that they are suffering more economic hardship than everyone else.  Perhaps I have just grown more cynical, but the quality of news reporting has nose-dived.  The local channels especially are so obviously clutching at straws for stories, given the additional…

“Open Space”

In the Felixstowe Mission Area, during the months of August and September we are meeting in the garden at Kirton Chapel for Worship at 4pm each Sunday. So far, we have engaged with a “Birds of the Bible worship station experience” and a Garden Holy Communion (following social distancing guidelines). Plans are in place for…

It’s your move

It’s Your Move – Heading for High School This is a great little book for Year 6 pupils to help them think about and be better equipped for moving to their new High School. It talks about loneliness, getting lost and handling issues like bullying, drugs and relationships etc. There are some fun games and…