News (Page 282)


The bighorn sheep in Colorado’s Rocky Mountain National Park will often allow visitors to approach them from below and take close-up photos. But don’t try to get above them or the entire herd will run away. The bighorns’ escape route from predators is always upward. On level ground a bobcat or cougar can easily overtake the…

Evening Primrose

Those of you who know me well, know that I am no gardener, my knowledge is limited to growing grass, dandilions, Daisies and weeds, so I invest very little time in tending my garden apart from mowing the lawn and blame time restrictions and the weather for my lack of interest and expertise.  One of…


Strands of thought based on hymn 393 in Singing the Faith – She Sits Like a Bird –  insights into the person of the Holy Spirit No 2. “She wings over earth, resting where she wishes…” Recently we joined our grandchildren into the RSPB.  Neither of us are birdwatchers, but we both love to see…


Coronavirus (Covid-19) is affecting all our lives. Things are changing fast, and many of us are worrying about what it all means for ourselves and for our loved ones. Those amongst us that are living with mental health problems are facing extra challenges too If you thought a summer lock down was bad for people…

Rewilding the Church

I have recently been reading “Rewilding the Church” by Steve Aisthorpe, a mission worker in the Scottish Highlands. Taking his cue from recent rewilding initiatives in agriculture & forestry Steve argues that something similar should be happening in the Church. “Rewilding” allows natural forces to “take the driving seat”.  “Step back & allow nature to…


Strands of thought based on hymn 393 in Singing the Faith – She Sits Like a Bird – insights into the person of the Holy Spirit No.1  “She sits like a bird, brooding on the waters… “ At the start of the Bible the Spirit of God, moves  on the face of the waters, active in…