On 1st November, All Saints Day, the prayer stones were dedicated by Rev Diane Smith, to the memory and ministry of Rev Harry Breakspear, who was minister at Kirton, and the surrounding Felixstowe, area from 1963 – 1969.
On 1st November, All Saints Day, the prayer stones were dedicated by Rev Diane Smith, to the memory and ministry of Rev Harry Breakspear, who was minister at Kirton, and the surrounding Felixstowe, area from 1963 – 1969.
The Methodist Church has a long history in responding to the needs of those suffering injustice. Much has been written about the early days of Methodism and its connection with the development of the Trade Union Movement. Fiona Taylor in her new book “The Sheltering Tree” takes up this theme once more. This book has…
When I couldn’t sleep the other night, my mind was going into overdrive! I ended up thinking about a Thought for the Day. I came up with the word “Presentation”. I suppose at the back of my mind was “have I got all the presents” and Neil’s request for some more items. But it went…
by John Lennox Monarch Books, 2017 368 pages £12.99 ISBN 978 0 857 218 728 It is altogether refreshing to find a book written by someone who is not a theologian about a deeply theological subject. By profession, John Lennox is a mathematician (emeritus professor of maths at Oxford), and, as is to be expected…
Over the next few weeks a group of us from Elmsett & Aldham Churches Together are starting to plan how we can reach out to the community during Advent. One idea that we are working on is Advent Stars. Twenty four families from the villages will place a star and a simple Advent message in…
I’ve been reading “Jonah” recently and it’s brought home to me the way God is always there: Jonah may well want to run away and do his “own thing” but he can’t escape or avoid God. In the depths of the waters, imprisoned in the great fish – or whale if you prefer – in…
The Sunday before Advent Year A 22nd November 2020 Lectionary Readings Ezekiel 34 v11-16, 20-24. The Lord is the good shepherd. Ephesians 1 v15-23 Paul’s prayer. Matthew 25 v31-46. The final judgement. Judgement Time Both Ezekiel and Matthew have been taking the religious leaders of their day to task for failing to provide…
The Origin of Evil by Chuck Missler (dvd) Koinonia House Europe, 2008 120 minutes $19.99 “There is an evil which I have seen under the sun and it is heavy among men” (Ecclesiastes 6 : 1) Chuck Missler, who died in 2018, was an experienced and very knowledgeable Bible expositor. His background in science and…
This morning, while listening to the radio, I heard an interview with Chris Packham, the wildlife broadcaster. He made the point that although the lockdown had prevented him going to many of the interesting places he would like to visit, it has enabled him to observe much more closely what is happening in his own…
The BBC marked the Children in Need Appeal 2020 on Friday 13th November and I hope that once again we will see a record amount of money being raised for this wonderful cause. Normally I would watch the One Show’s Rickshaw Challenge every day during the week and I normally find the experience both moving…