News (Page 271)

Advent – Day Eight

Welcome to Advent at Methodistic. Advent means coming and it is the period before Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The resources on this page will be updated every day to help us prepare for Christmas day. Click the play button to watch todays daily advent animation brought to us by the East…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 13th December 2020

Third Sunday in Advent                   Year B                                                 13th December 2020 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 61 v1-4, 8-11.              The good news of victory. 1 Thessalonians 5 v16-24.     Always be joyful and never stop praying. John 1 v6-8, 19-28.                The message of John the Baptist. Deep roots. The prophecies of Isaiah about the good news of…


The second candle of the Advent Ring reminds us of those who have spoken for God.  Those who speak God’s wisdom into tricky situations;  those who speak peace into discord;  those who speak reconciliation where people and structures are broken;  those who speak comfort to those in despair; those who foretell consequences  and give warning.…

Advent – Day Seven

Welcome to Advent at Methodistic. Advent means coming and it is the period before Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The resources on this page will be updated every day to help us prepare for Christmas day. Click the play button to watch todays daily advent animation brought to us by the East…

Christmas Letter

Dear Friends I am sitting down to write this Christmas message on 2nd December, just after coming out of the second national Lockdown. To say that this year has been challenging, is an understatement.   However, it has also been a year in which hopefully, we have become profoundly aware of the things in life that…

The true meaning of Christmas

Advent this year is completely different to any Advent I have ever known in the past, the statement I keep hearing all the time at the moment relates to “the true meaning of Christmas” and I hear a variety of views on what Christmas is all about “It is about families being together!” some people…

Advent – Day Six

Welcome to Advent at Methodistic. Advent means coming and it is the period before Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The resources on this page will be updated every day to help us prepare for Christmas day. Click the play button to watch todays daily advent animation brought to us by the East…