News (Page 27)


My sister recently underwent a knee replacement, and being the “loving/devoted” older sibling, I went to stay with her for a few days. She was just one week post surgery and had been given a programme of exercises by the physiotherapist whom we visited on my first day there. Anyone who has had a knee…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 29th September 2024

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time.                Year B                         29th September 2024. Lectionary Readings: Numbers 11 v4-29;  Psalm 19 v7-14;  James 5 v13-20;  Mark 9 v38-50. For and Against. John said, “Teacher, we saw a man using your name to force demons out of people. But he was not one of us, and we told…

Just a thought…….

We live in an age of uncertainties, where people have ceased to be sure about anything. Life seems so full, yet deep down right where our lives really matter it is empty, and having no signpost to lead the way, people turn to wealth and possessions. There is, of course, no problem in wealth and…


At the Harvest Service in Felixstowe Methodist Church at Trinity last Sunday the items donated have been given to the Little Pantries Project. The Rev Jo Jacobs remarked about how different our services are now in that we are very much including helping to feed the hungry. It made me think about Harvest Services when…

Abba Father

My son and his partner have split up. He hasn’t seen his children for four months. During the last week of the school holidays, it was arranged that he and I meet them in a park. The two older children were there with their friends and they acknowledged him as they played on the climbing…

All is safely gathered in

It is quite likely that a church near you will be celebrating Harvest Thanksgiving sometime in late September or early October. Despite the all-year-round nature of harvest the traditional celebration is fixed following the end of the cereal harvest. Raspberries, potatoes, fish and fuel are all very well but the place of bread in the…


Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Adapted from a contribution by Rev Phyllis Thompson, the Education Director for the New Testament Church of God-Leadership Training Centre at the time of writing. Something to read You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me…

Put off

Some months ago, I bought a new pair of slippers because of the condition of those I have worn for a long time. As I prefer wearing socks in the slippers, and the new pair were tight on my feet and needed a shoehorn to assist, I found it much easier to continue with the…