News (Page 269)


With cranberries, it’s the bounce that counts. According to Science Digest, processing cranberries involves pouring freshly picked berries down a series of step-like boards. At each level, only the berries that bounce over an eight-to-ten-inch barrier pass the test. Each berry gets eleven chances. Those that fail are discarded. Some fruits are judged by their…

Advent – Day Seventeen

Welcome to Advent at Methodistic. Advent means coming and it is the period before Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The resources on this page will be updated every day to help us prepare for Christmas day. Click the play button to watch todays daily advent animation brought to us by the East…

Hampers of hope

Alongside this reflection is a picture of one of our Hampers of Hope. These Hampers will be delivered over the next couple weeks to some Nursing Homes in the Felixstowe Mission Area of the Ipswich Circuit and also to anyone who requests one for themselves or requests one on behalf of a neighbour who might…

Advent – Day Sixteen

Welcome to Advent at Methodistic. Advent means coming and it is the period before Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The resources on this page will be updated every day to help us prepare for Christmas day. Click the play button to watch todays daily advent animation brought to us by the East…

John the Baptizer

When Charles II entered London on 29th May 1660 to reclaim the throne which his father lost, hewas preceded by a kettle drummer and four trumpeters. The musicians acted as heralds announcingthe imminent arrival of someone of great importance – the King of England.John the Baptizer performed a similar function for the imminent arrival of…

Advent – Day Fifteen

Welcome to Advent at Methodistic. Advent means coming and it is the period before Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The resources on this page will be updated every day to help us prepare for Christmas day. Click the play button to watch todays daily advent animation brought to us by the East…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 20th December 2020

Fourth Sunday of Advent                 Year B                                                     20th December 2020 Lectionary Readings:   2 Samuel 7 v1-11, 16.         Romans 16 v25-27.               Luke 1 v26-38.           Where does God live? The writer of today’s Old Testament passage tells us of a vision given to the prophet Nathan, to be relayed to King David, who had been…

John the Baptist

Why do we remember John the Baptist at this time?  Doesn’t he belong in Lent with the Baptism of Christ? John reminds us of the need  for self-examination and for saying we are sorry.  John ‘s baptism was one of repentance.  This gives us comfort and hope – God is always ready to forgive us…

Advent – Day Fourteen

Welcome to Advent at Methodistic. Advent means coming and it is the period before Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The resources on this page will be updated every day to help us prepare for Christmas day. Click the play button to watch todays daily advent animation brought to us by the East…

Advent – Day Thirteen

Welcome to Advent at Methodistic. Advent means coming and it is the period before Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The resources on this page will be updated every day to help us prepare for Christmas day. Click the play button to watch todays daily advent animation brought to us by the East…