News (Page 266)

Star Words

A gift of light for you. This year we are unable to pass around a basket of stars, so if you would like a star word to help you with a spiritual focus for 2021, use the star word generator linked to this post.

Thank You

I watch a TV programme on Christmas Eve where they started by playing the final part of the same programme a year ago.  Cast your mind back to the end of 2019 and you will remember a general election during Advent which returned a Conservative majority government who promised to “get Brexit done!” and the…

And it’s the little things

Jonah really welcomed that great weed  – or gourd in some translations – which gave him some shade while all around was exposed to blistering sunshine.  At least we’re told he was grateful for it.  But he just accepted it was there – he hadn’t planted it, he didn’t water it or do anything to…

Happy New Year

I’ve been seeing lots of people posting on Facebook recently about roll on 2021. Also, they have been putting ‘can we just write this year off?’ I have also seen people who have been positive saying what they have learnt something new and all the new things they have done.  It got me thinking: How…

January Newsletter

Dear Friends WISHING YOU ALL A BLESSED 2021 For this January newsletter I thought it would be a good idea to share with you a little of the history of the Methodist Annual Covenant Service.  This year the Covenant Service may take place a little later in many Churches due to the pandemic.  The Covenant…

When a meeting means more …

Recently, clutching my letter telling ‘to whom it may concern’ that I work in the food industry and therefore should, in the words on my passport, be permitted to ‘pass freely without let or hindrance’, I was let out on an excursion to Scotland. The purpose of the trip was not exciting; an insurance property…

Seeing the year differently

I’m sure many of you will have received the annual letter from friends.  I’m sure that many will share a similar flavour this year, with the tone being set by a roundup of the woes of the year.  Through advent and on towards epiphany, as our hopes have been building, there is a much more…

Piccolo Player

About halfway through a rehearsal conducted by Sir Michael Costa, with trumpets blaring, drums rolling, and violins singing their rich melody, the piccolo player muttered to himself, “What good am I doing? I might just as well not be playing. Nobody can hear me anyway.” So he kept his instrument to his mouth, but he made no…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 3rd January 2021

Second Sunday of Christmas                                   Year B                                     3rd January 2021 Lectionary readings: Jeremiah 31   v7-14               Israel will return to its own land. Psalm 147                               Sing and praise the Lord. Ephesians 1 v3-14                  Christ brings spiritual blessings. John 1 v1-18.                         The Word of life. The ‘Ultimate Blessing’. Jeremiah foretells of a time…