News (Page 265)

God’s time

Our fast-moving world demands immediate service—instant car-phone communication, 20 minute pizza delivery service, fast broadband and so the list goes on. Waiting is grating. As a result we don’t have time for breakdowns, recuperation or repairs. If something goes wrong, we want a quick fix so we can be on our way. If stores can’t give…

Joan’s Jottings for January

With the whole country moving into a National Lockdown, the government is allowing churches to remain open with restrictions in place. However, the leaders of our three churches, along with most of the other churches in our Circuit, have decided to remain closed for in-person services at this time. We will reassess the situation again at the end of February.


Reflection on Matthew 2; Verse 10 “When the Wise Men saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his Mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure-chest, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” Have…

Star Word

During the on-line service on 3rd January, Rev Joan suggested that we obtain a star word  to use as a spiritual focus during the year.  The word I settled on was µWriteµ.  I pondered where that word would lead me – do I write letters, emails, a book? There are so many opportunities and I…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 10th January 2021

Sunday after Epiphany                    Year B                                                 10th January 2021 Lectionary readings: Genesis 1 v1-5,           Psalm 29,        Acts 19 v1-7,              Mark 1 v4-11. The missing years. Last week we read about the infant Jesus and this week we are presented with an adult Jesus. What happened to the bit in the middle? Luke…


Elmsett Methodist Church have produced a video which reflects on the activities they have carried out during lockdown and their hopes for 2021. You can watch the video below :

Will we hear the love song ?..

The need to try to alter the words of traditional hymns so they are less divisive sometimes works well and sometimes leads to nonsense. One of my Christmas favourites, which is certainly good for singing right through to Epiphany, is Edmunds Sears’ It came upon the midnight clear. The original refers to ‘man at war…

January Light

It’s been a tough time for many with Covid 19. And January can often be challenging anyway. The January Light Mission Initiative is a response from the Methodist Church in East Anglia and Bedfordshire, Essex & Hertfordshire to spread the light of God’s love in January 2021.