News (Page 251)

Great is thy faithfulness

We have been doing a Bible read through at the church I attend and earlier this week reached Lamentations. I must say some of it has seemed quite hard work and Lamentations has been no exception. It seems like an awful lot of grief and misery ! However in the middle of chapter 3 are…

The power of personal testimony

The Alpha course attracts positive and negative comment. Consider, for example, the story of Simon Dixon, a talented musician who began the piano at the age of 5. Simon’s story is too long to go into all the detail here but a full career in church music, teaching, conducting and concerts filled his life, ‘music…

Suffolk Churches Ride & Stride

Saturday 12th September sees the “Suffolk Churches Ride & Stride”. Last year I foolishly mentioned that I would like to try and cycle round ALL the Ipswich Circuit Churches. So this year I am going to attempt MOST of the churches, (apologies to Orford, and Capel / Brantham / Holbrook) This is around 70 miles and…


I usually associate Spike Milligan with the Goon Show which readers of a certain age will probably remember!  However, he did have a very serious side. When Ray and I went to Kiln Farm Nurseries near us for some plants and coffee and cake there was the following poem put up near the entrance which…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 13th September 2020

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time         Year A                                                 13th September 2020 Lectionary Readings Genesis 50 v 15-21.                Joseph forgives his brothers. Romans 14 v 1-12.                 Don’t criticize others. Matthew 18 v 21-35.              An official who refuses to forgive. Reluctance In the Old Testament reading, the brothers of Joseph seem reluctant to ask his forgiveness…

Leaves for healing (1)

Bible Reading:  Ezekiel 47: 12 Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” There is a glory…

Scripture Twisting

Scripture Twisting : twenty ways the cults misread the Bible by James W Sire IVP Books, 1980180 pages £14 ISBN 978 0 877 846 116 That there are so many competing religions and philosophies with ardent followers is sign enoughof hunger for the meaning of life, spiritual satisfaction and moral certainty – as the experience…

Life’s reverses

Years ago a tourist was being shown through one of the oldest castles in England. He admired the rich furnishings, the valuable art treasures and the ornate carvings. Then he noticed a strange tapestry that had a wild, irregular pattern of colour and knotted threads. The guide, seeing the man’s quizzical look said, “That’s actually…

All creatures great and small

I was delighted to see that Channel 5 were screening a new TV series of what has become a twentieth century classic, penned by Yorkshire vet Alf Wight better know to the world as James Herriot. I thoroughly enjoyed episode one and loved seeing placed that hold dear to my heart. I will be watching…