News (Page 25)

Bridging the gap

I recently reached one of those points that will be familiar to many of you. The daily juggling act of work priorities (for which I am paid), and volunteering (for which I pay) is usually manageable. Then along comes a whole new list of demands in the latter category and I have had to say,…

Heart-felt love

Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Rev Claire Jones Something to read With my whole heart I seek you; do not let me stray from your commandments. I treasure your word in my heart, so that I may not sin against you. – Psalm 119:10-11. Something to think about I…

Just a little more time

Listening to a Methodist church choir from the USA, I was intrigued to hear a spiritual song that included these words. “I am ready when you call me Lord but give me just a little more time.” For several years I was privileged to be employed in an administrative capacity with a Retirement Home for…

Living Hope

I was driving home from a time of worship at our local MHA at Norwood in Ipswich this afternoon singing along to my favourite Worship Song of the moment – Living Hope by Phil Wickham. It opens with the words How great the chasm that lay between us,                                                                                                                     How high the mountain I could…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 18th February 2024

First Sunday in Lent                         Year B                                    18th February 2024 Lectionary readings: Genesis 9 v8-17;  Psalm 25 v1-10;  1 Peter 3 v18-22;  Mark 1 v9-15. Being ‘saved’ really is ‘good news’. One way of linking together this week’s readings is to explore the theme of being ‘saved’. In the story of Noah and the ark, God…

Red letter days

I could only have been seven or eight at the time, when my brother and I were dragged along to a Church meeting where the adults were talking about building a new Sunday School building.  I can’t remember how much the building was going to cost, but I can remember the amount being way outside…


I recently travelled by bus from Felixstowe to Ipswich to visit one particular shop. I find it very relaxing just to be able to sit and enjoy the journey and not to have to concentrate on driving. Sometimes I watch the countryside and houses going by and sometimes I use the time to think about…


At a recent prayer meeting, someone said that a better translation for the word ‘love’ in John 3:16 would be ‘cherish’. I only have a smattering of knowledge of Biblical Greek so I can’t be sure of the accuracy of the translation but I do know that when I substituted ‘cherish’ for ‘love’ in that…