News (Page 236)

Light of the world

This Advent, everyone’s waiting. But alongside the Christian tradition of waiting expectantly to celebrate the birth of the Saviour, the world waits to be saved from COVID-19. And, interestingly, both forms of waiting use the same language: of “light breaking through.” Earlier last month, when the first promising signs from the vaccine trials emerged, the…

Advent – Day Two

Welcome to Advent at Methodistic. Advent means coming and it is the period before Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The resources on this page will be updated every day to help us prepare for Christmas day. Click the play button to watch todays daily advent animation brought to us by the East…

Christmas Stamps

I am very excited today as in the mail I received a First Day Cover of this year’s Royal Mail Christmas Stamps.  For the first time in a number of years the stamps all feature either the Madonna & Child or a Nativity scene.   All the stamps take their inspiration from various stained-glass windows up…

Advent – Day One

Welcome to Advent at Methodistic. Advent means coming and it is the period before Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The resources on this page will be updated every day to help us prepare for Christmas day. Click the play button to watch todays daily advent animation brought to us by the East…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 6th December 2020

The Second Sunday in Advent.                                Year B                                     6th December 2020 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 40 v1-11                       The Lord will rescue his people. Psalm 85 v1-2, 8-13.              A prayer for peace. 2 Peter 3 v8-15a.                    The Lord’s return is certain. Mark 1 v1-8.                          The preaching of John the Baptist. Leadership In his prayer for…

One is for God’s People

God loves his people. It’s worth repeating that ;  God LOVES his people! If you ever doubt this just remember how Jesus wept for his friend Lazarus.  Consider how Jesus reminds us of how we are valued alongside all of Creation when he speaks of the sparrows and the lilies of the field.  When people…

Every Square Inch – Book Review

Every square inch : an introduction to cultural engagement for Christians  by Bruce Riley Ashford Lexham Press, 2015  160 pages  £12  ISBN 978 1 577 996 200 What an excellent little book ! The author, professor of theology and culture at an American theological college, writes about how Christians can and should engage with their…


Welcome to Advent at Methodistic. Advent means coming and it is the period before Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The resources on this page will be updated every day to help us prepare for Christmas day. From tomorrow we will be bringing you a short advent animation every day and,each day during…