News (Page 23)

what a wonderful world

What a wonderful world…. with a nod to Louis Armstrong The following is the 2nd part of what they wrote after a holiday in northern Scotland. I wandered on mountains for many long hours And found primroses, bluebells and hosts of wild flowers I climbed higher and higher to get to the top The view…

Who then can be saved?

 In my recent, daily, Bible readings the writer of the notes has drawn on events recorded in the book of Jonah. Two comments attracted my attention and I share them for your consideration. “The Assyrians were evil and violent and that was their way of life. As a conquering empire, they had a reputation for…

3 Theories of everything  

3 Theories of everything   by Ellis PotterDestinee Medium, 2012  112 pages  £9.99  ISBN 978 0 983 276 852 This is an unusual approach to the consideration of worldviews. The author takes three basic ways of viewing reality from an Eastern perspective as well as a Western perspective. Three circles, as defined by Ellis Potter, explore…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 20th October 2024

Twenty-ninth Sunday in ordinary Time     Year B                                    20th October 2024. Lectionary readings: Isaiah 53 v4-12;   Psalm 91 v9-16;   Hebrews 5 v1-10;   Mark 10 v35-45. A lesson about ‘Kingship’. James and John asked Jesus if they could sit beside him when he ‘came into his glory’ Jesus was disappointed by their request for places of honour.…

Missing the sign

Have you ever travelled along an unfamiliar road and missed the sign telling you which direction to take? We recently spent a few days in Northumberland. Our host at the B&B we were staying in suggested a walk to a place called Cateran hole where there is a small opening in the ground with steps,…

Missional work in world of diversity and challenges

Community gardening projects can be an effective part of missional work, fostering partnerships between the church and the communities. The participants grow their own vegetables and fruits, enhancing their access to healthy food. Regular gardening activities foster connections and address social isolation. Gardens contribute to local biodiversity, improve air quality, and promote sustainable practices. Individuals…

I received an email today from Google telling me that my account is half full so I decided that I would really need to delete some of my thousands of emails. This might seem like a simple job to many but for me there is a problem. I start to read all the emails before I delete…

Dont keep dancing

We’ve just returned from spending a few days in Cornwall. While we were there, we visited the Merry Maidens Stone Circle which dates from 2500-1500 BC. It consists of 19 stones equally spaced except for a gap that was probably the entrance. The stones vary in height from 0.9m to 1.4m, graded so that the…

Christianity : Opium or Truth ?

Christianity : Opium or Truth ? Answering thoughtful objections to the Christian faith byDavid Gooding and John Lennox Myrtlefield Encounters, 2nd ed., 2014  168 pages  £6 ISBN 978 1 874 584 773 This is one of a series published by Myrtlefield House, written by two eminent scholars who are committed Christians – David Gooding and John…